Midnight on the Mesa (naked acoustic mix)

After struggling and struggling with various drum loops, I decided that the drums and bass were distracting from the original core of the song. So I remixed it. This version is just my Martin DC Aura as recorded by a TASCAM DP-006 Pocketstudio. Some post processing was still done in Adobe Audition, to add some reverb and compression.

This is actually the 3rd mix I’ve created of this song.  All 3 mixes used the same guitar tracks, but the 2nd mix had the bass track with no drums.  The first version had guitar, bass and a drum loop track.  I guess all 3 versions have their good points, but there is something to be said for “naked acoustic” recordings with no other instruments fighting for attention.

As before, the video content is from Zion National Park in Utah, courtesy of the National Park Service.

Music ©2014 Joseph R. Ellis
All Rights Reserved
