Heartbleed (2022)

This was originally a demo for my song, “Heartbleed.” It consisted of a Fender Stratocaster rhythm track recorded on a looper pedal and another Strat tack for lead. On this version, I was testing out a Moog Mavis analog synth and a Cre8audio NiftyKEYZ keyboard I bought to extend the Mavis to more than one octave. The Mavis provides the bass and the lead (I decided to omit the Strat lead this time around).


Released September 28, 2022
Guitar & Synth: Joseph R. Ellis
© 2014, 2022 Solid Body Publishing / ascap


Are You a Gear Head?


We’re talking about musical gear, of course.  While I don’t claim to be a massive collector of vintage guitars and pedals, I have had a Gear page on this website for quite sometime.  Only recently did I start thinking of adding links to songs that feature all the various pieces of gear listed there.  It turned out to be a lot of fun hunting down specific examples of some of the pieces.  I even had to refer to recording session notes on a few of them in order to figure out which pieces of gear were used. Why don’t you check some of them out? Click here: Gear page.