Four Fifty

This was kind of a bonus song. I had just finished recording another song, but was still feeling creative. So I muted all the other tracks and recorded this. I’m playing a 2012 Martin DC Aura, recording with both a mic and direct (mic is on right channel, direct is on left). It was recorded with a click track so I could go back and add a drum track with a BeatBuddy pedal. The last thing I added was the bass track using my 2011 Rickenbacker 4003.

released October 28, 2015
Guitar: Joseph R. Ellis
Bass: Joseph R. Ellis
Drums: BeatBuddy


Strats and Vibes

This is probably the catchiest riff I’ve written so far. A “feel good” instrumental with a driving bass line and several layers of Stratocaster, including a simulated vibraphone track. What’s not to like?



I had way too much fun recording this song! A 2011 American Deluxe Stratocaster provides the twang and a 2012 Rickenbacker 4003 bass provides the infectious bass line.
