Tidbits of Tone

Some tasty tidbits of Les Paul tone created with a 2000 Gibson Gary Moore signature Les Paul. A 2012 Rickenbacker 4003 bass fills in the bottom end.

released April 12, 2016
Guitars: Joseph R. Ellis
Bass: Joseph R. Ellis
Drums: Digitech TRIO+

©2016 Solid Body Publsihing / ASCAP


Corazón Rodadora

An easy guitar instrumental with a Latin beat. Featuring a 2011 Fender American Deluxe Stratocaster on lead, a 2012 Martin DC Aura on rhythm and a 2012 Rickenbacker 4003 on bass.

released April 3, 2016
Guitars: Joseph R. Ellis
Bass: Joseph R. Ellis
Drums: BeatBuddy

©2016 Solid Body Publishing / ASCAP
