Stimulus Diffusion

This was a song idea I had back in 2015. On a previous test recording (simply called Creative Strat Session 289), I used a clean Strat with tremolo. I never took it any further until I started working on this version. Instead of a clean Strat sound, I went with a heavy over-driven Les Paul. There’s also a Martin DC Aura acoustic on one track and a Rickenbacker 4003 bass track.

Released September 15, 2016
Guitars: Joseph R. Ellis
Bass: Joseph R. Ellis
Drums: BeatBuddy

©2016 Solid Body Publishing / ASCAP


The Joseph R. Ellis “Encouragers Club” is now accepting new members!

Not all of us are rock stars.  Heck, I don’t even want to be a rock star (especially at my age).  But I do need your encouragement.  Knowing that somebody is out there enjoying the songs I created would be a big incentive for me to create more music.  All I have to go by are play counters and comments left via social media (I don’t play live).  But here’s a new way for you to offer support and encouragement – Join the Joseph R. Ellis “Encouragers Club” over on bandcamp.  Here’s what you get:

  • 3 of my most recent albums from my back catalog on bandcamp
  • Exclusive access to the Joseph R. Ellis fan community.
  • All the new music I make, streaming instantly on your mobile device via the free Bandcamp app, and also available as a high-quality download.
  • Exclusive access to “members-only” content (new song demos, previously unreleased tracks, etc.).
  • The satisfaction of knowing you’re supporting me in a sustainable way.

You get all this for $5 / month!

Hop on over to and see what it’s all about!

Thank you so much for your support and encouragement!



Curious Concurrence

This song was the result of some new chords I discovered while experimenting with an alternate tuning. Lots of nice ringing open strings. It’s different, but I like it It features a 2012 Martin DC Aura on rhythm, 2000 Gibson Gary Moore signature Les Paul on lead and a 2012 Rickenbacker 4003 on bass.

released August 19, 2016
Guitars: Joseph R. Ellis
Bass: Joseph R. Ellis
Drums: BeatBuddy
